How We Ensure Safety While Hitchhiking

Safety is our paramount concern at the Backseat Rally. We have meticulously crafted a comprehensive safety plan to ensure the well-being of all our participants throughout the journey.

Safety on the Route

We prepare pre-race safety presentations, providing participants with information on hitchhiking safety as well as general road safety advice. We have diligently gathered information from various travel sources to provide informed guidance on the route, which is also included in our comprehensive safety materials.

Additionally, we have strategically placed a checkpoint in a vibrant, surprise Turkish city on the Black Sea Coast, offering an opportunity for participants to restock and rejuvenate.

Prioritizing Health

Recognizing the importance of accessible healthcare, we have compiled a list of English-speaking clinics in Georgia and identified major hospitals along the Turkish leg of the route. This ensures that participants have convenient access to medical assistance, should the need arise.

Emergency Preparedness and Communication

We take participants’ safety seriously, and as part of our registration process, we request the submission of emergency contact details. Rest assured that we strictly adhere to GDPR guidelines to safeguard this sensitive information. For enhanced peace of mind, participants will stay in touch with our team for daily check-ins, allowing us to track their location and well-being.

With these meticulous safety measures in place, we aim to create as secure and worry-free an experience for all participants in the Backseat Rally.

Interested in further specifics? Stay tuned for more safety insights! You can also contact us with more specific queries regarding safety.