The “Backseat Rally” goes from Istanbul to Tbilisi – by hitchhiking. A total of six young people set off. After the official opening on July 22, the participants will hitchhike to Tbilisi in teams of two for about a week. The teams will always have a camera in hand to create the four-part web series.

Tanja (31) will be there. The philosophy student was looking for a special kind of travel experience full of spontaneous challenges. She has also always wanted to know how a travel documentary is made. Traveling is also Milos’ (18) passion. Since leaving school he has been traveling by train in Europe and works as a software developer. It is important to him “not to forget everything around you,” so he wants to combine passion and the big picture with the Backseat Rally.

Senja (20) and Emil (22) want to try hitchhiking for a shorter period of time. The Indonesian is currently involved in a social year in Germany. Therefore, the Backseat Rally is “exactly what she has been looking for for a long time” to learn from new people and foreign cultures. Her team partner Emil, on the other hand, can contribute his stage energy to the documentary until he studies acting. He is looking forward to the unique landscape that awaits the participants on the Black Sea and in the Caucasus.

The lead of the project is Leon Weber (23). As a reaction to the severe earthquake in Turkey and northern Syria, the screenwriting student combines cultural exchange off the beaten path with a good cause. He organized the project together with Tabio Romanski (23). “Hitchhiking is a very special way of traveling and I’m excited to combine this adventure with more than my own experience,” said the data science student. The team will host the web series from the road.

Check out our About Us page for more details, as well as our Instagram for live updates from the road!